Using the Pebble Smart Watch with Home Automation Hub

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Joined: 12 May 2012

I never really got properly set up with the Home Automation Hub as I had too many other things going on.

However, I did reach the point where I could switch an LED on and off on a connected Arduino using a 'tweet' from Twitter.


Having recently become the proud owner of a Pebble Smart Watch it crossed my mind that it should be possible to control the Home Automation Hub using the Pebble watch and that using Twitter to do this could be one solution.

As this post describes, it is possible to use Tasker to send tweets,

and as the Pebble watch can be used to operate Tasker, (using 'PebbleTasker') the full fnctionality can be realised.


It will be some time before I have the time/opportunity to try this out, but i thought others with a Pebble Watch and a Home Automation Hub might find the above useful.

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