--[[ JeeNode to xAP Endpoint mapping --]] --_DEBUG=1 -- module(...,package.seeall) require("xap") monitor = require("xap.jeenode").monitor RoomNode = require("xap.roomnode").RoomNode OutputNode = require("xap.outputnode").OutputNode info={ version="2.0", description="JeeNode" } -- ** I've got my BaseNode on my remote HAH21(instanced) HAHub, linked to the USB thru an Arduino USB/Serial Light -- ** which gets 'mounted' as ttyACM0....thus local jeemon={ target="dbzoo.livebox.HAH21.serial", port="/dev/ttyACM0", baud=57600, stop=1, databits=8, parity="none", flow="none" } -- ** I put the endpoints onto my master Hub (no instance) -- Keyed by NODE ID local nodes = { [2] = RoomNode{base="dbzoo.livebox.jeenode:office", endpoints={temp=1,light=1}, ttl=900}, -- [3] = RoomNode{base="dbzoo.livebox.jeenode:basement", endpoints={temp=1,lobat=1}, ttl=900}, -- [4] = OutputNode{base="dbzoo.wombat.jeenode:bedroom",endpoints={p1="light",p2="heater",p3="amp",p4=0}}, } function init() monitor(jeemon, nodes) end -- ** I've already used DD, so changed to DF xap.init("dbzoo.lua.example","FF00DF00") init() xap.process()