283.1 beta and 3.4 avr issues
11 September, 2011 - 15:13
I answer to questions raised in the "http://www.homeautomationhub.com/content/persistent-gcal-issues" post. I have seen the following.
was running 283 and 3.3avr with no issues.
To test google cal items i updated to 283.1 and noticed 1wire temp not registering and no RF.
this persisted after a reboot also so I updated AVR to 3.4 thinking the changes Brett had made regarding xon/xoff might need the new avr firware also. However this didnt fix it.
I reverted back to 283 still with 3.4 and all is good again.
I don't see any connection between updating a google calendar library and why RF & 1-Wire temp would not work.
I think you might have been hitting another problem where by sometimes the xap-livebox process does not correctly get the VERSION string from the AVR on startup. If you checked your web browser it might have been reporting 381.1/1.0 instead of 381.1/3.4 - the 1.0 indicates it had a problem retrieving the version and defaulted back to 1.0, the M8 chip setting where a version is not reported.
There is a .INI setting you can use to force an override on the AVR version detection logic if you see this regularly causing problems. Note: You must correctly align your AVR with this string as there is version dependant logic in the system now.