App freezes up after screen time out.
We now have a number of devices, running the HAH Android app, modified to suit our requirements.
I have a problem as follows:-
If you do not (wife) shut the Android app down after completing your task, but leave it running and the phone goes in to screen lock. After a while (not sure how long) it freezes up the app and also flash will not respond. Sometimes you can just take the phone/table out of stand bye if you know which device was last used and it will respond, after it completes updating all the changes since it was previously used. Other times I have to reboot the HAH.
Hope the above makes.
Would it be possible to have the app shut down after a set time, say 2 minutes after non-use.
Glad it got you moving. The whole suspend/resume thing was something that caught me out too.
What I'll really love to do is some drag and drag xAP UI builder where you can design and build some control surface without having to code anything. Now where did I put that motivation?
I think you are talking about the applicationSuspend and applicationResume events.
Did you handle these in your code like this sample does: