AVR flashing hardware suggestions
I use an AVRISP and an Arduino. For the software side of things I use AVR Studio which is free.
The posting from Brett reminded me that I had a similar setup lying in store. So, I dug this kit out & did a little writeup as to how it can be used to fuse the (beta) HAH Arduino code. See this wiki page for the info http://www.dbzoo.com/arduino/isp_with_stk500
Nice to see a 'gone well'.
I've been checking the URF on this Arduino release. All seems good ... however I do see that the pulses on the Arduino code are slightly longer in duration than those of the Bascom. Easy to adjust (after all it is Universal RF). A reduction of 10% in the current pulse lengths should suffice. I plan to update the wiki in due course.
Do let us all know how you get on.
Well, the newly ported AVR code (from Bascom to Arduino) is looking good. Soak test of URF commands ran last night without any issues. Still some documentation updates to do, but it's getting there.
Note, however, that we still don't have an Arduino bootloader onboard. This hasn't been a priority - getting the code stable & tested is. I just lift the .hex file that the Arduino compiler produces & program that as usual.
I'm not best placed to advise on a decent programmer. For years, I've used the programmer that is included with Bascom. It makes things like getting fuse bit settings correct a breeze. However, it's a commercial product & rather expensive if you just want a programmer.
There are other folks on this forum (esp. Karl) who are flashing their own AVRs with the latest Arduino style HAH code - I'm sure somebody will offer advice.