Hi great project. sorry if this is a nieve question.
I want to buy the parts bundle to give my HAH relay and input capability but want to also keep the Rf options open for future use.
I am on 279,13 firmware therefore I believe I need an AVR328 chip. Can i simply put this chip on the board instead of that supplied with the kit? do i need to do anything else (i noticed a avr328.hex type file for download but cant figure out what this is for). like i say, sorry if this is obvious but want to be sure i know what the score is before purchasing.
many thanks again for the time you put into this. I am having a great time playing with it.
Since you are already using the latest HAH beta image, and the newer Lua engine (which is even nicer that the old one), I reckon it's better that I include a 328 chip with your kit. Then, you will have the latest capability.
For now, the only real difference on the 328 chip is the URF piece. I'll be keen to hear if you get to trying this and how stable you might find it in operation.
The HAH beta firmware, as of writing this 279.13, is 100% compatible with the M8 chip. We don't want to force all the existing users with an AVR M8 chip to upgrade just because of a new HAH firmware release.
The AVR 328 chip, only supported on the BETA stream, gives you the following additional capabilities; Programmable RF Tx sub-system and 1 wire ROMID addressabililty + a few minor tweaks.
Expanded summary here: http://www.homeautomationhub.com/content/what-have-we-been-working
Bit of a mess up on the stock control front. I've got plenty of all HAH parts just now.
Is it worth upgrading the chip?
i want to control status rf sockets will this chip help and will it give me more futureproofing?
bought kit 20th jan would it have the new or old chip?
The 'Status' brand RF sockets can only be controlled by the newer chip. It's easy enough to tell which one you have. Just look at the chip - the older one will have a legend of 'ATMEGA8' the newer one 'ATMEGA328'.
As for futureproofing, I suppose that it depends on what you plan to do with your HAH. e.g. The newer PPE functionality is only available on the 328 chip. Going forward, we won't be using the Mega8 on the HAH PCB.
I've stopped using the Status sockets because they need to be 'retrained' if power is removed from the socket (e.g. if it is accidentally unplugged or if there is a power failure). HE and BBSB sockets don't suffer from this, rather annoying, problem.
Now i gotta take box apart :(
do they use the same xtal as the photo here http://www.packetradio.co.uk/gallery/index.php/HAH/IMG_0135
shows a 3.3728 xtal, unfortunately the chip writing is not a s clear.
The status sockets are cheap thougth, must get round to ripping one apart see if i can add a memory cap
Yours is most certainly the older Mega8 chip. Only a couple of beta testers had early sight of the 328 ... mainstream shipping of this didn't start 'till late April 2011.
Xtal is 7.3728MHz on both the Mega8 and the Mega328.
With the very latest HAH firmware, the version of the HAH firmware, together with the version of the AVR firmware is shown on the HAH UI. xxx.xx/n.n - currently n.n is 1.0 for Mega8 and 2.2 for the Mega328
If you do find a way to hack the 'Status' sockets to give them a bit of retention of the trained code, be sure to let us know how you did it. The HE and the Lidl sockets use a small serial EEPROM.
Been to the shop but can only find chip xtals and holder?
only need new chip :)
Hi Garry,
Any and all questions here are welcome & good.
We've been 'drip feeding' the 328 chip into the project. Main reason for this is a lack of time for us to get all the streams of code/testing/documentation aligned.
Be assured that if you go for a purchase of the current kit, you won't be locked out of future releases. As things stand, I ship out HAH kits that have the original Mega8 chip. The RF on this does either Lidl or BBSB/HE control. The vast majority of folks want (and have) BBSB/HE.
The 328 adds support for a wider range of RF devices. In truth, not many users require this. e.g. if you have bought a few HE RF sockets and you have set these up with your HAH, it's job done.
All HAH PCBs have the AVR chip socketed & it's easy to swap out. I'll soon add a 328 'upgrade' chip as a new item to the shop.
Hope this helps,