Cron question
25 January, 2013 - 21:01
I have just started using Cron with the livebox after struggling with googlecal reliability.
I have used Cron in the past (back in the days of looking after a few VAX VMS machines) and thought I understood the syntax (it's not difficult) or so I thought.
To me this line
00 10 * * 6-7 aliasmsg "thermostat 19.0"
means that an alias message wil be sent to set the thernostat to 19.0 on Saturday and Sunday at 10am
So why did my heating fire up at 19.0 at 10am today, Friday?
Sounds right to me, that's pretty well what I use.
Day of the week is a bit ambiguous 0 and 7 are both sunday. You could try sat and sun.