Forum Software
11 July, 2011 - 12:51
Hi, Is there anychance of having forum software that only allows sequential posts. At the moment it is rather confusing as posts can be mid-thread.
Not much of an issue, but thought I would ask.
Yup the whole site (this one) was literal thrown together in about 6hrs flat just to get something up and running.
There are a few things I'd like to change but time is against me with so much to do and only me to do it.
I'm not really a web kind of guy. I'm more of a AVR firmware, MIPS embedded O/S, custom web server, LUA framework, C xAP framework, Google/Twitter/Pachube integration, wiki documenation (basically the entire HAH software stack) kind of guy - there has to be something I'm not good at. :)