HAH died
we had a major power incident a couple of weeks ago in the village and it hurt my HAH, so far the basenode (or lead) has failed and the cc usb lead and hah main PCB
well i had a spare hour or so today so built another HAH.
only thing i cannot get working is the pvoutput script, and i know not where to start!
which pv script is it/What does it do?
Yes it looks about right. I think that you need the double quotes around the api/feed id because they are string variables but you need to remove the double subtraction marks (--) from the beginning of the lines starting Api = and Feed =
Also in the function post(self) in the line beginning b, c, h = you should take out any carriage return/line feed and just make it into one long statement up to the bracket after CurrentTemp
That's a pity. I have some 'core' kit on an UPS ... not sure if this would protect against this sort of thing but it does help with the odd power cut. The good thing about the Livebox is that you can still pick these up on eBay for under a tenner delivered. Not so many now as there used to be though.
As for pvoutput do search the forum. There are a few folks there who, like you, have been using this. Once you get that script up & going again, put a copy up onto this forum ... that will give you a free backup ;-)