HAH not updating to BST
I am in the UK and clocks have just gone forward 1 hour to BST but HAH GUI reports old time as does the "date" command on the command line. My Time Server is set to uk.pool.ntp.org and the /etc/TZ file contained GMT0BST-1 . I have tried varying this setting and rebooting, but the time does not change. Also I tried the command line TZ="GMT0BST" date or TZ="GMT0BST-1" date or TZ="GMT0BST+1" date and they all report the same date & time (i.e. 1 hour out). I have started the Googlecal service as someone else suggested and this did not help.
Anyone else have this problem?
Chris Swift
All timezones are defined in terms of UTC. So to define the BST timezone you need to say "I'm BST and I'm -1 hours behind UTC". I think you are confusing it with 'I'm BST so must -1 hours behind - so why am I subtract yet another from it?'. It's your logic that is off.
Anyway glad that is working, talk to you 6 months when you need to change it back :)
Try just using BST-1 in /etc/TZ then. But this means you will need to adjust this again when the clock move forwards.