HAH resetting?
Is it loosing your .ini files when it resets (/etc/xap.d)?
Can you see anything in the logs (/var/log) ?
I generally see uptime until a planned reset. 60 - 90days isn't uncommon. No wiping of config.
How often are you seeing a 'random' reset?
It might be the case that a catastrophic hardware issue is occasionally wrecking your box.
If this was happening to me, I'd get another Livebox (still under a tenner, delivered) from eBay. Even if this has the same issue, you've at least eliminated one possibility & you can resell the spare box.
The PI and BeagleBone systems are still very much in alpha development but funtioning. My BeagleBone has been up and running for a month or so now.
I'm still using the livebox for RF using the HAH PCB and the roomnode basenode is still connected to that too. The BeagleBone is used for picking up data from the WH1080 weatherstation and the current cost sensors.
Whether you move over is up to you and how critical the home automation is to you.
Make sure your plugboard scripts don't have any debug or print statements in them as this will fill up the /var partition with log output eventually crashing your livebox. You might want to check the size of your /var/log files after a day, and before a crash, to make sure they are not growing out of control in anyway.
I have 2 liveboxes and a raspi running HAH firmware. I'm not aware of any problems like this. Sorry I can't help.