hah_arduino problem.
1 March, 2011 - 16:38
Hi There,
First off, great project! I've been meaning to do something like this for ages :)
I've checked out the arduino code, and am playing with the UDPtest demo. Theres a couple of minor problems, firstly the Wprogram.h include in EtherCard.cpp has the incorrect case, needs to be WProgram.h Secondly there some sort of variable scope problem resulting in heartbeats that don't have the source field populated and responses to requests not happening, again caused by the source variable.
I'm not really a coder, any chance someone could take a look? I've tried the code on versions 18 and 22 of the IDE.
-Thanks again, Max.
Yeah all that code was really rough and ready - I had starting doing some work down that road but got side tracked with other more important things like: moving countries and being a dad.
Unfortunate my time and workshop is now is VERY limited so it might be a while before I get back to playing with that code base. As I'm the only guy coding the entire HAH project some help would be useful !
I have a worknig arduino 1wire sensor with ethernet so if/when I get some time I'll post it up.