Home Easy HE109 Sockets
I would be very grateful if someone could confirm if the fully packed string identified in the WIKI for the HE 109 sockets works.
I purchased a HE109 (dual socket) and tried the “on” code but can not get it working.
The HE109 works perfectly using the remote that came with some HE830S sockets and my other HAH RF devices all work ok.
I have tried decoding the pulses using the wiki Pulse Train to URF converter numerous times but the results seem to vary every time I capture the pulses using arduino/Universal RFRx.
Any tips on using the Pulse Train to URF converter would be much appreciated.
I have even purchased a logic analyser to help decode the pulses, but this also gives varying results.
The following link is now broken in the wiki.
First of all let me say I have no experience of HE109's, but if they respond to 830s codes then perhaps you could try:
clearing all codes from the sockets,
programming the HAH with one or more of these
Alan many thanks for getting back to me.
I have already tried these codes on the HE109, unfortunatley they do not work for me. They work fine on the HE830 sockets which I currently have 12 of.
I did try the codes again and confirmed I had deleted all previousely stored codes first, but to know avail.
I do not understand why the HE300 v2 (I think) remote works ok on the HE109's and the HE830 sockets.
Not sure what to try next.
I assume you've also tried the all on/all off code too. If so I'm afraid I'm out of suggestions, sorry.
Over three years since I worked the codes for the HE109. It was good for me, but I suspect that it was in the days of the HAH firmware being in BASCOM. With this now as a Sketch, slight timing differences might have pushed the codes that worked 'over the edge'.
Anyway, I still have a HE109 socket. I'll dig it out next weekend and see what is going on.
Yes I did try the HE830 all "on" code.
I would be very greatful for any help / advice on getting these HE109's working.
I have a number of RF 433 MHz devices and have used the RF helper etc but have not had any success, some transmitters are not even picked up by the arduino.
Many thanks.
I too have been fighting with an HE109 with no success. Did you get a chance to revisit it?
Severly time pressured just now but dug out an HE109 and a HE312SV2 remote control.
Scoping the transmissions from the remote gave me a bitstream of a different format from that in the wiki. That's fair enough as the HE109 can learn from several different types of remote. Still four different bit encodings, but times not as on the wiki. Anyway, I managed to knock out a URF string for an 'on' command that is 'close' ... in that it works one time in three.
I need to scope the HAH output and compare it with the remote to see where there might be a slight difference to cause intermittency.
However, I'm now out of time for this weekend.
For reference, this is the work-in-progress string that I have for remote 'button 1 on'.
Derek many thanks for your efforts so far, if I get a chance this week I will compare your results with mine and have another try.
I have tried again to decode the pulse train using arduino RFX 433 receiver but again am finding the pulses to variable even using a logic analyser.
I would like to connect my analyser directly to the HE300 v2 antenna, this hopefully would give more of a precise pulse train, but I cannot find its location. I would be very grateful if someone could point me in the right direction. I was expecting to see a length of wire or a coil for the antenna but cannot see any obvious antenna.
Many thanks.
I have found an appropriate test point (R4) to connect my logic analyser to the V300 remote transmitter. This gives perfect results without any other rf interference. I was even able to sync with what was coming out of the 433mhz receiver connected to the arduino.
I have discovered that the HE300 transmitter sends 4 different pulse definitions, only one of these definition is captured by the RF433 receiver connected to the arduino every time, occasionally about 1 in 12 it will capture one of the other stream. Not sure why all are not seen. Also there seems to be a difference of around 80 micro seconds compared to the HAH RF Helper results.
Now I do not know which stream to decode which will operate the HE109.
I have tried Derek’s latest pulse stream shown above, but could not get it working.
After a lot of investigation, trial 'n' error and Garry’s write up on the forum regarding the HE107. I have managed to decode some working pulse streams for the HE109. So far I have 4 codes.
They do not appear to go in a logical code change sequence order like the HE830. Each one has to be decoded individually. I transmit an on and off signal from a V300, using the Arduino I capture the pulse stream, then a little bit juggling with the figures, enter this in to the Pulse Train to URF converter further number manipulation and hey presto.
Here they are:-
Interesting to see that the bit-times are rather different from the ones that I was seeing. However, I've just tried the first code pair and it works just fine on my HE109.
With your permission, I'll update the wiki with these codes.
Derek pleased to hear they worked for you.
Yes indeed go ahead and update HAH WIKI.
Hi Andy,
I have my HE109 working with the HAH using the new 328 chip and the latest HAH beta firmware.
The only change to the hardware is the replacement of the Mega8 chip with the Mega328 chip ... since these chips are socketed on the HAH PCB, it's a straigthforward job to swap the chips.
We now have a few folks using the 328, so will hopefully soon be able to remove the 'beta' status of this firmware.
Note that the HE109 can 'learn' to respond to a number of different transmitters. Follow the instructions that came with your HE109 to 'unlearn' all existing transmitters before starting with the HAH.
Hope this helps to clarify.