Hi Guys,
This has probably been discussed somewhere but it didn't show up in search.
I was wondering if it was possible to hook HAH Plugboard up to IFTTT?
This seems to be the ideal way for ludites like myself to get around the "tricky" issue of LUA programming.
Any thoughts on this?
The old team at Pachube put me onto IFTTT ages ago. Compared to the HAH Plugboard, it's a very limited capability - partly because it doesn't have the instant messaging of xAP.
Kinda know what you mean about Lua being slightly tricky. However, it's really worth persevering. A load of the hard work is already done for you by the framework that Brett has put together.
If you describe what you are trying to do and 'have a go', there are folks here who might jump in and bail you out. The 'having a go' is important ... as well as anything else, it shows that you aren't just looking for a free Lua programmer!
I'm not sure what you're trying to use IFTTT to do, but you could ue it to trigger a Tweet as per the existing Wiki recipes.
Had a little play with this today and successfully got it to turn a light on at dusk by sending the appropriate tweet. There is quite a long time lag in some cases but it works to a certain extent.
I'd be interested to find out if it could be used in some geofencing type applications (for instance turning lights on when arriving home) but I fear that the time lag might make it unusable.
The tweet 15mins before sunset recipe looks good. Useful for switching on lights without constantly amending cron times??
What do you mean LUA is tricky? Its a lovely simple language perfectly suited to its task. I've seen this IFTTT thing before but I never really got inspired by it. Its very thin on documenation if your not joined isn't it ?