iServer Help
Last week for some unknown reason iServer suddenly stopped working on my HAH.
It's been working fine and out of the blue just stopped.
Restarting it manually gets the following...
# iServer -i br0 -d 9
iServer for xAP v12
Copyright (C) DBzoo 2010
[inf][init.c:98:discoverBroadcastNetwork] 2 interfaces found
[inf][init.c:102:discoverBroadcastNetwork] 1) interface: lo
[inf][init.c:102:discoverBroadcastNetwork] 2) interface: br0
[inf][init.c:109:discoverBroadcastNetwork] address:
[inf][init.c:121:discoverBroadcastNetwork] broadcast:
[ntc][init.c:55:discoverHub] Broadcast socket port 3639 in use
[inf][init.c:56:discoverHub] Assuming a hub is active
[ntc][init.c:65:discoverHub] Socket port 3640 in use
[ntc][init.c:65:discoverHub] Socket port 3641 in use
[ntc][init.c:65:discoverHub] Socket port 3642 in use
[ntc][init.c:65:discoverHub] Socket port 3643 in use
[ntc][init.c:65:discoverHub] Socket port 3644 in use
[ntc][init.c:65:discoverHub] Socket port 3645 in use
[inf][init.c:67:discoverHub] Discovered port 3646
[dbg][timeout.c:18:xapAddTimeoutAction] Add timeout. interval=60
[dbg][init.c:237:xapAddSocketListener] socket=4
Segmentation fault
Has anyone else come accross this or know of a fix?
Strange as there is logic in the system to detect this situation.
The iServer will die and report an error message.
Can you describe what you change to correct this and how your iserver.ini file looked to cause it?
Yep my bad, I've checked in a commit to fix the segv. Thx.
I noticed client authentication was accidently enabled and no password was set.
Setting this to disable cured the issue.