Issues with SMS

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London, United Kingdom
Joined: 10 Jun 2010

I finally got the correct cable for my Nokia 6210.  Only the DLR-3P worked for me.

I was still having trouble getting messages from my phone although it was connecting properly.  Looking in XFX, I was only getting heartbeats.  I put it into debug mode to test.

It would see the messages coming in but was throwing up an error. 

(Sorry didn't take a copy of the errors) but the messages included: Failed to collect msg 97, sms error 321.

I found this listing of errors:

My error was something to do with memory, so I tried deleting all the messages in the Inbox, this didn't work, all the messages were still there(tried this a couple of times), so I had to individually delete each message.  After restarting xap-sms, I got my first message in!

During all this, the system was crashing.  It seemed to be after restarting the system and then killing the xap-sms process in order to restart it in debug mode.  If I then ctrl-c, then started the xap-sms process again, it would kick me out of my ssh session and the web would become unresponsive.  The only way to sort it was to restart the system by hand.

I've tried this again and it seems to still be an issue even though my phone is now functional.

I guess the only thing that may cause the problem is restarting xap-sms too quickly?  I was restarting after 4 or 5 secs, maybe phone was still closing the session.


Just so you can see what a good message looks like on debug level 7 (command: xap-sms -d 7):

Using serial device /dev/ttyUSB0

Serial Tx: AT+CREG?
Serial Rx:
+CREG: 0,1


Modem is registered to the network
Serial Tx: AT&FE0+CMGF=1;+CNMI=2,1,0,0,0
Serial Rx:

Serial Rx:
Serial Rx: +CMTI: "MT",1
trying to get stored message 1
Serial Tx: AT+CMGR=1
Serial Rx:
+CMGR: "REC UNREAD","+44********",,"10/07/28,11:08:22+04"


decoding: "REC UNREAD","+44********",,"10/07/28,11:08:22+04"
Saved to /tmp/pdu.txt
Serial Tx: at+cmgd=1
Serial Rx:

Glasgow, United Kingdom
Joined: 26 Oct 2009
SMS research

Well, the SMS piece is something that I've actually never tried.

If you let the xap-sms process just startup normally (not in debug mode) does it work for you?

I do have a few Nokia 7110s and data cables, so I'll hook one up this weekend and give it a spin.

Will post my findings back here. 

London, United Kingdom
Joined: 10 Jun 2010
All good...

Hi Derek,

Yes it all works now, just when I start it twice in debug mode, it crashes the system.

Think I also had some trouble with the power to the phone.  I had it on a 2 hourly recharge on a timer but it kept turning off.  Seems it takes alot of juice to keep it connected.

Am busy now building my plugboard scripts, so not restarting xap-sms, just xap-plugboard and that seems OK, no matter how many times I restart. 




Glasgow, United Kingdom
Joined: 26 Oct 2009
Phone power


I like the Nokia 7110 as it can be continuously powered whilst keeping the data cable attached. Brett & I worked on this years ago (using an AVR2313 platform) and have had units based on this code running for a very long time (e.g.

Pleased to hear that you are doing further work with the Plugboard. It is such a powerful feature of the HAH. We so need more examples of how to best script it.

For the record, Brett & family left the UK (forever) earlier today. He will soon be setup again, but in the US. Be assured that he smuggled a Livebox unit into his suitcase!


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