Multi-Line Graphs
Hi all
I've recently joined the HAH community and I'm getting great satisfaction from seeing the stuff work as advertised.... I'm not a Linux/C/XaP/LUA kinda guy - but I can follow detailed instructions...which is what is usually provided...and I've succefully hacked/modded several LiveBox's and have them actively uploading data from my SolarPV array to Pachube feeds (see for my real-time graphs).
However - I'd like to have the capability of viewing all my data from the various Feed:ID's on one graph - this would be far more meaningful, and much easier to interpret - so my question is:
What do I need to do to get the data from several CurrentCost channels onto one graph?
Pachube tell me that they do not provide this service - but they are working on something similar and will have a beta version 'real soon' - possibly!!
I see that HAH provide graphing capability - could it be incorporated there? Oh! the possibilities!!!!
Thanks for looking at this - I hope someone can come up with something!
Check that out ->
I'm confused by your request - if you clicked on the link I supplied you'll see the HTML that you can embed on some web page of your's to generate those combined graphs. A snippet I've reproduced here.
This snippet of HTML would graphs G7PKF's data stream - House, Solar and Grid, as Red, Blue, Green on the same graph. You would need to put this onto your webpage somewhere.... assuming you have one.
If not just cut/past it into a FILE with the extension .html and then double click on it. ie: crapbags.html or whatever. :)
<script type="text/javascript" src=""></script><script language="JavaScript" src=""></script><script language="JavaScript">createViz([15114,15114,15114],[0,1,2],800,400,["ff0000","0000ff","00ff00"]);</script>
This syntax also allows you to graph multiple feeds to the same graph too. I've have sourced all the data from a single feed in this case 15114, and used Streams 0,1,2
only Joking....feel free to produce more for my feeds as long as you share them :)
EJ yes you can do this did you look at the example on this thread a few posts back?
Yes you can but if you are not a Linux/xAP kind of guy this might be out of your league too.
I do recall messing around with google graph and using some javascript to slurp out the Pachube data but alas I dont' think I have the sample code that I wrote.