No-ip dyndns update script
Hi all,
I need to use dynamic DNS services to control HAH away from home. My router only works with which is not free anymore and I let my free account expire! DOH.
Anyhow, I have registered with for a free account and written the following script to check and update noip servers if my local IP changes.
I saved the following script as a file (eg noipupdatescript) in /etc directory and chmod a+x it to make it executable.
Then set cron to run it every 15 mins or so like so:
0,15,30,45 * * * * /etc/noipupdatescript
Then if your ip has changed when checked the script will send new address to noip and tweet the response so you can see if it was successful or not.
heres the script:
I posted a sample no-ip updater applet into the HAH source tree.
Use in conjunction with a HOST and an account setup on
Never really got into the idea of sending lots of messages re where I was and what I was doing ... too much detail! However, your script is a perfect example of something that twitter is really good for.
Thanks for sharing.