Pachube issues?
Hi all,
im having some issues setting up Pachube with my feed at
Does everything below look ok? i noticed the setup for Pachube is different to the wiki and includes the feed column on each datastream line
i guess this needs to be set as per the main feed ID?
obviously the API key is removed for posting this screenshot :)
am i possibly missing the correct setup at the Cosm end?
But try removing the feed IDs from the individual streams. If blank, they default to the main ID. You don't have to specify them individually unless you want some going to a diff feed.
that said, I can't see this stopping it working?
You can try running xap-pachube in an interactive session. Just telnet onto the HAH & fire up xap-pachube with a -d 6 argument.
I've also noticed that the cosm site seems to struggle with showing a weeks worth of data. However, a days worth seems pretty reliable. If you really want to feel sick, check the feeds from the HAH at Brett's place a temperate 44.1C yesterday!
This seems to becoming a more common issue as time goes by. I now only make changes to pachube manually via the xap-livebox.ini file itself due to this issue, I find 1-wire changes also scramble the ini file fairly often too.
I keep a copy on a FTP server (buffalo nas drive) and copy it across when done. Makes replacing it easy too when it does get scrambled.
It certainly looks about right, although the graph page doesn't seem to work since the change from Pachube to Cosm. Cosm seem to have major issues with graphs for anything over a week, and some for over a day.
Perhaps it's the cosm end that is the problem. I can't see anything obvious in the screen shots.
I assume that if you look in the box that xap-pachube is running.