Release 307
Its been a long time coming
- xap-twitter - fix twitters deprecation of the v1 delete api call.
- Added the boilernode as a standard hahnode decoder type
- Fix some plugboard configuration errors.
- fixup webcachingservlet example file for bad response detection.
- iServer - send a query on duplicate filter being adding. (iDevice support)
- iServer - handle fragmented tokens better (iDevice support)
- iServer - pacing is applied to all packets. Tx and Rx and now separate threads.
- iServer - (debug only) output to monitor Tx/Rx queue pressure.
- xap-sms - added support for different baud rates.
- xap-hub reaping efficency by detecting xap-hbeat.stop messages.
- lua penlight library uplift
- fix module loading error for ext3 in supplied example.
- Added a weather forecast plugboard applet sample.
- xap-serial - now handles HEX decoding.
- xap-serial bug - handle NULL data bytes when unescaping hex/octal encoding
- plugboard - stack trace from plugins will include the xap message being processed.
- hah nodes now allow temperature offsetting with toff/toff2 parameters.
Update: a couple of items were not merged from my development branch so they are not in 307 - I've crossed those off the list of things fixed.
Then, telent in and cd to /etc/init.d
Then, ./update will do the job.
Trying to get the latest update but I have no ./update command in my /etc/init.d directory.
Found update in /etc_ro_fs but running this doesn't work.
So tried this.....
cp /etc_ro_fs/init.d/update /etc/init.d/
cp /etc_ro_fs/init.d/ramdisk /etc/init.d
cd /etc/init.d
Hope this helps!
Regards Keith.
i think you have over complicated it. Undo the copies you have done and then just type
this should do it!
Changing to 307 my hahnodes stopped working - plugboard not starting - if you start it manually you get
lua: /etc_ro_fs/plugboard/plugboard.lua:59: attempt to get length of local 'instance' (a number value)
stack traceback:
/etc_ro_fs/plugboard/plugboard.lua:59: in main chunk
[C]: ?
I found a workaround. By reversing out the change made in plugboard.lua line 59 and putting the new file in etc/plugboard it all starts working again.
My configuration consists of two liveboxes. The first has a current cost connected to it and does all the cosm uploading for both liveboxes.
The second has the basenode connected to it and is instance 2 (the other being blank). Mac addresses are different. It was the second livebox
that I upgraded.
Hope that helps.
Now back to trying to get RoomNodeTwin working with a modified Airwick
whats the command to update ?
i cannot remember.