Release 309
What's in this release
- pachube/cosm renamed to xively: xap-pachube -> xap-xively
- Currentcost impulse sensors can be monitored; tweaks to web GUI too.
- Buffer overflow fix in currentcost serial read function.
- Currentcost removed excessive read activity on xap-livebox.ini
- Twitter updated to use the v1.1 API
After upgrading there are some steps you need to perform:
- Renaming the [pachube] section to [xively] in your xap-livebox.ini
- Creating a new xively feed number.
- Updating the web gui with your new feed AND with the new API KEY. The legacy pachube key will not work.
Step 1. can be done with these commands if you aren't comfortable just editing it by hand with VI.
cp /etc/xap-livebox.ini /etc/xap-livebox.ini-backup
sed 's/pachube/xively/' /etc/xap-livebox.ini >/tmp/xap-livebox.ini
mv /tmp/xap-livebox.ini /etc
I wrote the graph tab, and am currently looking at making it work with Xively. I was also thinking of a way to incorporate Cacti graphs as well.
I'm not as quick as Brett at coding, but I've already made a start on sorting it out.
I've updated the SVN repo with some code changes that provide basic Xively graph integration into the HAH web interface, Brett will need to release a beta once he's checked it and is happy with it.
These graphs are generated by Xively, and will only work with a public datastream. I haven't been able to get API keys working properly to allow more flexible data retrieval from Xively, I'll work on that if people aren't happy with the new graphs.
I think the main thing missing is displaying the last hour, Xively don't have a default option for that, I'm working on that but was consious of people wanting their graphs back. I should have it implemented very soon.
It's a start, it doesn't really do the project justice, I just need to keep coding so I can make it better.
Good to see you back ... you had been quiet for a bit.
I've never been far away, just got busy with other things. I've even designed and had made a PCB to interface with the RasPi, it might not sound much but I was rather pleased with myself. I'm hoping I can do a bit more on the HAH now, it's got such amazing potential, you and Brett are doing a fantastic job. I don't think people can ever appreciate how much you've both put into the HAH project! (no criticism meant of anyone).
Brett - looks ok so far I think, bar a couple of minor presentation issues.
1. In the Xively Tab, the Feed ID field only displays 9 digits but seems to accept more (e.g my feed of 2079463080 loses the last 0 on dispay)
2. The Graph tab doesnt seem to work, and also reflects an even more truncated feed ID of only 7 digits.
However, xap-livebox.ini Xively section seems to have the correct, full, feed.
Good work.