Scrolling info on LCD
My wish was to make more use of LCD and show some data of interest on it. In particular I wanted to see CurrenCost and 1wire data, of course anything else "known" to HAH may be added.
Hopefully useful for someone else too, either in whole or partially ;)
runlcdApplet.lua, new plugboard format (some formatting - like tabs - is lost here, hopefully still well readable)
Edit: changed self:stop() to self:delete() on advice from Brett, no leakeage needed :)
module (...,package.seeall)
info = {version="1.0", description="Scrolling 1wire and CurrentCost data on lcd"}
lcdlen = 16
period = 2 -- scroll/shift speed in seconds
shift = 2 -- scroll/shift step in symbols
tarray = { } -- 1wire temperature data
parray = { } -- CC house/0 sensor data, phases 1 to 3
fill = "-" -- Space does not work, gets trimmed
function init()
ft = xap.Filter()
ft:add("xap-header", "source", "dbzoo.livebox.Controller:1wire.*")
-- ft:add("xap-header", "class", "")
fp = xap.Filter()
fp:add("xap-header", "source", "dbzoo.livebox.CurrentCost:ch.*")
-- fp:add("xap-header", "class", "")
send2lcd("Scrolling LCD ..")
xap.Timer(repeatlcd, 10):start()
function catch1wire()
local source = xap.getValue("xap-header","source")
local id = tonumber(source:sub(-1))
tarray[id] = xap.getValue("input.state","displaytext")
function catchCurrentCost()
local source = xap.getValue("xap-header","source")
local id = tonumber(source:sub(-1))
parray[id] = "P"" "..xap.getValue("input.state","text")
-- Refresh infostring from t + p arrays and start new runlcd cycle
function repeatlcd(self)
local arraylen = table.getn(tarray) + table.getn(parray)
if arraylen > 0 then
infostring = string.rep(fill, lcdlen) -- global
for i,value in ipairs(tarray) do infostring = infostring.." "..value.." "..fill end
for i,value in ipairs(parray) do infostring = infostring.." "..value.." "..fill end
infostring = infostring..string.rep(fill, lcdlen - 1)
-- print(infostring)
infostringlen = string.len(infostring) -- global
startpos = 1 -- global
endpos = lcdlen -- global
xap.Timer(runlcd, period):start()
-- Show lcdlen/16 wide window of infostring on lcd
function runlcd(self)
lcdstring = string.sub(infostring, startpos, endpos)
-- print(infostringlen.."."..startpos.."."..endpos.."'"..lcdstring.."'")
endpos = endpos + shift
if endpos > infostringlen then
xap.Timer(repeatlcd, period):start()
startpos = startpos + shift
function send2lcd(lcdstr)
}]], lcdstr))
Its great to see Lua being put to some serious work. Good stuff. You might want to change self:stop() to self:delete() otherwise all these timers you are creating and then stopping will slowly leak memory.
I thought I would have a go at collecting data to scroll over the LCD although as my HAH hardware is down I could not fully test - its look roughly ok thou.
Its in the 279.21 beta as it required a minor change to xap library to enable user data to be supplied to a filter callback an oversight on my behalf. I'll update doc for this.
See /etc_ro_fs/plugboard/samples/tickerApplet.lua - Let me know if its truely broken !
I did say I had only done basic testing. Thanks for those corrections. :)
The message should change once you toggle some relays etc,, try adding your own fitlers/functions to display data you want.
Mess around the program and get it working then send it back - It was more to show you some more advanced ways of doing things.
Not sure what that print is coming from... I don't see anything obvious check your applets perhaps?
Before the HAH project I'd never use LUA myself so I'm learning too - perhaps I just learn faster, i did read a few book first.
Your scripts are a good inspiration for idea's to code up and see how flexible this language is. So far I'm really happy with what it can do, its a great way to add extensions and capabilities as you've discovering.
The Timer() was firing when it was first started instead of after its timeout interval - this was a bug. Gary found out the hard way; he had a autoreboot LUA script that ran as soon as his livebox came up . Needless to say he locked himself out in a continuous reboot cycle after he upgraded to 279.21.
I've fixed this is 279.22 and added another test case to make sure it does not regress.
Why did this happen? I removed all the LUA/C library wrappers and rewrote the entire xap library in pure LUA saving about 200k of flash space in the process and allowing the system to be more flexible.
This is a great script. It really demonstrates what can be done with the Lua engine that Brett is now incorporating into the HAH.
Well done, and keep them coming,