Smartmeter Optical pulse reader
Has anyone looked into using an optical sensor hooked up to a room node to capture smartmeter pulses?
im considering replacing the current cost clamp with something more accurate with pulse counting or prehaps use both as a comparison
Current Cost have a unit called the optismart but im finding it practically impossible to find one as i beleive they had issues and pulled the unit from release.
the openenergymonitor project store sells readers and transmitters so we could interface one a plugboard script and a serial port but im thinking a modified node would be a cheaper approach
To get you started there is some Arduino src in the HAH git area i wrote this but never got around to writing the LUA side of thing, still that the easy bit once you have a pulse counter working.
The LED in the location where you have the writing 1000imp/kWh should flash red as you consume power. Using the sketch I supplied use an LDR and a bit of blue tack to hold it in place and you have a counter.
This is similar to my meter.
Good one. That sketch I posted works just fine with an LDR if you have one of them laying around you can try it out. The wiring for the LDR is included in the sketch at the top in a comment, you an also attach a external LED that will flash in time with your meter given the LDR is now covering it up. You have inspired me to finished off this project I started and didn't complete.
I did that some time ago. Unfortunately I can't find specific details (I never write anything down!) Also I don't have accesss to my HAH at the moment but...
You need a phototransistor, something like:
You need a sketch running on the node (attached meter4.txt, rename to meter4.ino) I'm not sure if this is the one I've got running but look at it for guidance.
You need an applet running (JMPleccyApplet.lua)
and a support file (JMPleccy.lua)
I'm not sure if this will work, but it will give you a start.