Wiring 1-wire to ethernet break out.
Can anyone give me some pointers on this...I keep reading different material suggesting the use of different wires.
I'm now in a spin.
There was a proposed 1WRJ45 standard available from here:-
http://www.1wire.org/en-us/dept_22.html (page 13)
Not sure that this went anywhere, but the hobby boards pcbs and others (stuart poulton and Sheepwalk) use this.
Don't get confused by the T568A and T568B wiring standards. Use the T568A colour scheme as shown in both diagrams and stick with that standard
On a practical note, I have noticed that if you get the wires the wrong way round, the DS18B20 gets hot quickly, so when you plug it in, do so holding on to the sensor, unplug quickly if it gets hot to the touch. I have found they are normaly still functional even after this mistreatment
If you are only using your CAT5 cabling for 1-wire devices then there is nothing wrong with this, in fact it doesn't matter which wires you use.
The pins/wires you're suggesting people use WOULD be dangerous if you had anything else connected in a CAT5 network. Pins 1 and 2 are normally used for data, pin 4 isn't used in a 10/100Mb network.
I have made up a suitable connector for using CAT5 and connecting to the HAH PCB, I'm happy to write this up on the wiki if people are interested.
I'm not saying your wrong Gary, as long as the wiring you use isn't used for anything else. A lot of people are now starting to put CAT5 around their houses and the information you've provided could lead to problems if shared with normal ethernet devices.
Unless you intend to use pre-built sensors from a third party supplier, it doesn't really matter too much how you wire the RJ45 breakouts. The wiring standard shown at http://www.hobby-boards.com/catalog/howto_wiring_diagram.php?referer=howto_connecting.php is as good as any.