xap-livebox.ini corruption
25 November, 2013 - 21:39
Hi Brett,
I often take backups of my xap-livebox.ini due to the occasional corruption as dicussed many times in other threads
just wondered if you had any more thoughts on a workaround or fix that would put an end to the corruptions
there was some talk of seperating ini files - http://homeautomationhub.com/content/lock-ups#comment-1702
This problem is of a concern. I have had some idea to overhaul the configuration system as I've not been able to isolate the reason why.
Instead of having a single configuration file I was going to split it into multiple files, one for each component.
This way if there is a corruption at least it will be contained to one sub-system and it won't affect others, I think doing this would probably make the issue go away too.
I might bring this plan forward. Its quite an overhaul.